Most accurate app in OCR-league. Works very well on 3GS and fantastic under 5Mp-camera on iPhone4. Avoid blurred card images and recognition will convince you. A really fantastic time saver app!
Most accurate app in OCR-league. Works very well on 3GS and fantastic under 5Mp-camera on iPhone4. Avoid blurred card images and recognition will convince you. A really fantastic time saver app!
Takes about 10 trys to get most of a card correct.
Crap worthless dont waste money tried 20 times one card outlaw this app
I love it! And the "card flow" is great!
This app is greater and cheaper than the competition. And the "card-flow" is amazing!!
without bugs. cheap and good.
I purchased a card reader that works 50/50. When it works, it works great. When it doesnt, its terrible. But the BEST part is that I was looking to buy something that created groups in my contacts because they didnt transfer from Outlook and now I have my groups. It creates groups for contacts but you have to do it in the card reader to see it in Contacts.
This app is a total waste of money. I cant believe how bad it is. You can scan the simplest business cards and it wont get 10% of the card right. Please dont waste you money like me.
Elegant and simple and effective - cardreader is a previous app. Go on!
Works well on i4, use it all the time
Lots of errors when scanned into phone but still saves a ton of data entry
I have an iphone 4 and it does take a picture of the card, but the saved picture is not legible. Also, every single card I have scanned so far (3 cards only) has had to have some of the information corrected. I scanned 2 cards of two people in the same company - cards are identical except for the names - and it OCR misread different information on both scans. Also, it does not allow you the option of saving contacts by business name - I might be alone but this is how I have always organized my business cards. It also requires you to include with the rest of your iphone contacts, but I would like to have a SEPARATE digital rolodex that I can refer to. I will be deleting this app and am angry that I just lost some money! I think most of this would be forgivable if the picture of the card is even legible, but it is so small so you cannot even refer to the card for the correct information if you want to. I am sick of reading favorable reviews on applications that do not provide any additional benefit. Do the app manufacturers just make multiple user names and review their own apps? This is of absolutely no benefit!
Its not 100% accurate but works great most of the time. Saves me time from typing most of the information on a business card.
I use this daily and scan about 5-7 cards a day. It never gets them 100%, but does beat entering them manually. Its worth the money, but needs improvement!
I use this app all the time. I was forever getting business cards and putting them in my pocket and forgetting about them. The wife would wash the clothes along with the business card and whatever notes I had written. Although this app has some issues, it saves me a lot of time by just taking a few seconds to upload it into my phone make a few corrections and be on my merry way. Plus whoever gives you the card probably appreciates the fact that you take seriously enough to save their info.
Need improvements but has a Good cost benefit and Helps a lot
All this does is spread your contacts list into squares so they look like business cards. Stupid. I want my money back. Not what I wanted. I wanted a separate contacts list only for business cards I scan.
Very easy, very cool! Really a great app for handling a huddle of cards. You dont need these languages, this app is a good choice.
INDIVIDUAL RECOMMENDATION With the latest improvements Cardreader works accurate on 3GS. This is a perfect app for my business because it keeps all of the scans in card flow (3D-CardView). You can browse and look at later. Depending from card layout recognition quality is 90-99 percent. Must have!
I like this app - accurate and easy.